Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Welcome to your world . . .

This blog is where we splice the worlds of the stories with the world we live in now. It's where we tell the story of how that second world is influenced by the first, and vice versa: how each influences the other so that both story and reality become new, again, and again, and again, with each story we read, with each new contribution to the blog. It's where we can explore the questions the stories raise, or maybe the ones they don't, but should. It's also where we can fire off a quick post with a link to a news item or article, an ad, whatever grabs you. Finally, it's where we can share ideas through comments, links, etc., added to one another's posts. In other words, this is a place for thoughtful reflection on course materials and their connection to the rest of the world.

So. What's on your mind? Use the blog space to let us know.

1 comment:

  1. Just a heads up that I've read each post written by students (as of now), and they are very interesting! It took me a while but it was really worth it. Good job class!

    If I can give any advice; adding a link or a video to your post makes it more evident and appealing to the reader. I also enjoyed the witty titles certain students came up with, it was intriguing to see what it referred to in their text. Waiting to see more...
