Saturday, April 28, 2012

Evil Matter

In the book Oryx and Crake, I found many interesting themes, where violence struck out to me. In today's society, violence is present in almost all of the world. In addition, Crake applied cruelty in many scenarios. Atwood shows how Crake treated the Crakers to transform them into immortal beings. His point of view towards immortality was that: a human who does not fear death, would be considered immortal. In which Crake taught the Crakers very insufficient knowledge. [They would question what money defines] In that sense, Atwood shows, indirectly, cruelty. Secondly, how many young adolescents know the result of the slug experiment. "Ever put salt on a slug?" Crake asked when describing his mother's death to Snowman. Jimmy was unaware of the result behind this matter. Crake was cruel since childhood, where he would apply new experiments on animals, to witness them suffer.

*Definition of the word "Cruel":
1. Disposed to inflict pain or suffering.
2. Causing suffering; painful.
3. Causing or inflicting pain without pity

**Definition of the word "Cruelty":
1. The quality or condition of being cruel.
2. Something, such as a cruel act or remark, that causes pain or suffering. 

In my opinion, Margaret Atwood presents the theme of violence/cruelty in the novel of Oryx and Crake to show the readers how immune tomorrow's society may be be towards this issue. 


1 comment:

  1. Very interesting post! However, i believe Crake was shaped into being cruel by his society and that is why he began to start testing on animals as well as watching very violent shows on the computer.
