Friday, February 24, 2012

The Black Swan

After reading the novel Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, the main theme of good vs. evil really made me think of the movie The Black Swan . In this movie, the main character Nina tries out for the role in a play where she must act a white swan, represented by good, gentleness and inocense, and at the same time she must also play the role of its twin the black swan which represents sensuality and evil.

At first, like Dr Jekyll, Nina is essentially good and shy and she is very much of a perfectioniste. She has a difficult time getting into the role of the evil swan as her personality fits more with the white swan,but as the movie progresses, she slowly becomes more and more like the black swan and a darker side of her personality starts to come out. She suddenly becomes very sensual and permiscuous, very different from her origianl personality. As time goes by she finds herself having evil thoughts and imagines she will kill her competition, another actress in the play. In the end, Nina finally completely loses control, and in a desperate attempt of being absolutly perfect as an actrice, she finally comitts suicide.

In some ways Nina makes me think of Dr Jekyll who at first was able to control his `bad`side but as he transforms more frequently into Mr Hyde, his bad side gets much stronger and becomes worse then it initially was. He is also a perfectioniste like the main character in the movie which is why he wanted to create Mr Hyde in the first place and in the end, he also ends up dying because of this.


  1. After reading Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, this is the first movie I thought about as well!

  2. Marie,

    Check the following passages which need correction:

    "represented by good, gentleness and inocense" (innocence)

    "the black swan which represents sensuality and evil." (evilness)

    "permiscuous," (promiscuous)

    "actrice" (actress)

    "he finally comitts suicide." (commits)

    "perfectioniste" (perfectionist)

    Make sure to proof read before publishing your post! Finally, I really enjoyed your comparison, and I agree with the similarity between Nina and Dr Jekyll; they both let their evilness take over.

    1. Sensuality and evil works for me, actually--grammatically speaking, that is. I believe "evil" is what's called an absolute noun.

    2. Sensuality and evil works for me, actually--grammatically speaking, that is. I believe "evil" is what's called an absolute noun.

  3. The theme of good and evil combined in one person, place or thing is indeed a pervasive one in our culture. Good explanation of the movie. Do we get any sense of why the main character tips toward her dark side, or what makes its pull on her so powerful?
