Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Vote Yes or Vote No

As you all clearly know, Dawson College has two campaigns which are head to head competing for a student strike. Campaigns are for and against the strike. Presently, there are over 65,000 students from different institutions that are not attending their schools. Those schools have voted yes for a student strike to run against the government’s hike of tuition fees. The voting will be held on the 1st of March 2012 in Dawson, for the Dawson student’s to decide whether they are willing to have weeks of classes off or keep attending their classes. This decision seems easy, where on the other hand, it is truly tricky. Students must be aware of the advantages and the disadvantages of this issue.

Advantages due to the strike are favorable for the students. They would have two weeks off because of the Spring Break coming up the week of the 11th March. During this precious time, those future employees/employers will do what they do best at: loaf.

In contrast, disadvantages are very disadvantageous to students who are aiming to finish studies this present semester or willing to attend summer school. For the reason that the school will do what they do best to students: make them suffer. A major disadvantage is that Dawson College will have one/two week(s) off during spring and will retake them by the end of this Winter 2012 semester.

My personal point of view towards this situation is that voting no will be beneficial in order to end this semester on time and to be able to move forward in studies by taking summer classes. This way, the system remains the same.

What are your points of views?



  1. I agree with you. I think that striking would be penalizing ourselves. I am going to vote no because I don't want to finish two weeks later than scheduled; plus I already have to take summer classes. Also, I am scared that those who are going to vote yes won't even strike; they are just going to chill and loaf like you said. So I think all of this is hypocrite. A strike is not vacations. Anyways, all I have to say is I really hope there won't be a strike

  2. I haven't formed an opinion about the strike yet. However, I am wondering how the strike issue connects either to Frankenstein or Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. In the absence of such a connection, anyone who wants to take up this issue with classmates should use a different forum, such as MIO.

    1. I see that you believe that this matter does not relate to our class. Where on the other hand, it actually does. Our upcoming classes depend on this strike. If there is a strike, then classes will be cancelled for an unknown time. Therefore, I am showing to fellow classmates the consequences of this voting.
      Don't hate, appreciate :)

  3. I am absolutely against the strike. No one is providing a valid solution. Let me explain: as prices of food, gas and living rise the government must keep up in all other aspects. Universities must pay the teachers, the cost of the building, the electricity,and the various facilities that must be provided.So tell me how, how do we keep the tuition fees where they are and afford a worth while education. If this is no concern to the strikers, then they don't mind having much lower education conditions. The argument stating that it isn't fair because the guy beside Joe payed less than he had to is irrelevant. Go to IGA and find a slab of meat for $5 one week, and the next it'll be $10. Prices change to keep up with the fluctuating economy, it's a fact. Money doesn't grow on trees.
