Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Is My Clone Ready Yet?

Humanity will always use science to try and push the human body to its limit as to extend the human body’s lifespan, and in extreme cases, even try to arise life from the dead. After reading Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein in class, what I believe is one of the most overlooked part of the whole story was the fact V. Frankenstein was able to bring life to an inanimate group of body parts. 
In today’s modern science, the closest experiment that resembles V. Frankenstein’s is the method of cloning. I recently read an article in Time magazine explaining how close we are to actually cloning individuals and an interesting scenario was brought up in my head. Lets say you and your boyfriend/girlfriend get in a train accident and one of the members needed an extra liver. Would you let yourself get cloned in order to receive that liver which is crucial for your survival? Just like V. Frankenstein, I’m sure many scientist right now are trying to perfection the cloning method in order to try and save thousands of lives in the very near future. However, just like Victor’s case, could the creation of cloning backfire and lead to serious consequences leading humanity to destruction?
To conclude, I am not one who usually pick sides however I have a simple question: Is cloning even considered ethical? If so what draws the line in science? It is evident that in the very near future this cloning method will be perfected and all we are left to do is sit back and hope that once again science manages a way to save humanity. 


  1. It's hard to say whether cloning is unethical. I'd say that the action itself can't be unethical but the purpose of the action. Depending what the purpose is it will be considered either ethical or not.

  2. I don't think that cloning is unethical, it depends on the reasons why we want to clone someone. if we want to clone a bunch of criminals, I thin that in this case, cloning is obviously useless and unethical; while in the example given by the author, I think that cloning in that case would be very useful. I think that we should be very careful with the way that we use technology because as it could be very helpful to humanity; it could be very harming as well.
