Friday, March 2, 2012

An ugly fairy tale

Even in fairy tales there is always one bad and ugly ogre. In a recent Disney movie called Shrek, we see how one’s appearance can determine how one will be treated. The Ogre, Shrek, was not the most appealing creature to approach and because of his exterior, he was prejudged as being an evil creature, someone to be feared. As a defense mechanism in order to deal with his pain, he became what others expected. Each time someone approached him, he would be mean towards them because he thought everyone was out to attack him... Until he met his friend Donkey and the Princess Fiona; they changed him and his real side was revealed. This movie really reminded me of the novel read in class: Frankenstein. Everyone feared the creature, even his owner (creator).  All the fear and hatred he was receiving made him, like the ogre, violent and mean. The creature was not necessarily evil deep inside. When a little girl was drowning, he saved her life because he truly is a good person. All the created wanted was someone to spend his life with and for someone to accept him for who he really is. Therefore, he asked his creator for a female companion. The creature and the ogre are very similar; they were both feared based on their appearance and judge by society in a cruel way which made them act in a very defensive way.  In the end they both wanted the same thing, to be accepted and loved.


  1. i think your connection is a very good one. i also think you chose a very good character.Its physical appearance is like those of Frankensteins creature AND Hulk and Shrek also has double personalities but only shows one-the ugly side of him because he has a lot of hate towards people that dont accept him. Very good article. Disney does a very good job at thematic movies.

  2. Yeah i never even thought of Shrek but that is perfect connection to Frankenstein.

  3. Very interesting point of vue on this post. I believe Shrek's wife who gave made him happy could've had the same effect on the Creature if Victor accepted to complete a female Creature. But who knows? Maybe not.
