Friday, March 9, 2012

Live in fear and isolation

The story of the creature in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley reminded me about a particular situation in my country. I come from Mali formerly called French Sudan.Despite the culture and the good food, my country has a big issue that has been there over the years. The majority of the parents abandon or kill their albino child for the simple reason of difference or to have money. Albinism it’s characterized as a congenital disorder complete or a partial absence of pigment in the eyes, hair and skin. Albinos represent a small minority of my country and they are qualified as the ‘‘rejected of the society’’. In my country, killing an albino or take a part of their organs brings money, luck and a lot of benediction from god. Precisely, 10 000 albinos are killed in Africa every year. That’s really sad. I’m sure these people really feel rejected and insecure. It’s the same way the creature was feeling too. He was left out by Frankenstein and he was feeling really lonely and had no one to rely on. His physical appearance made everything harder for him. The way Frankenstein abandoned his creature makes me think about parents who kill or abandon their albino child. Parents and Frankenstein abandoned them because physically they are different. ‘‘Cursed, cursed creator! Why did I live? ’’ (160), said the creature to Frankenstein on how he was feeling lonely and rejected. I’m pretty sure that some of the albinos feel the same way like the creature. They have to live in fear and isolation. These people need help to be more secure and comfortable about themselves. If you want to know more about this issue click on the YouTube link below.


  1. An interesting and informative piece. I had no idea this situation existed. The video does a good job of personalizing the situation: seeing the range of people of all ages who've banded together in their isolation, especially the young ones, brings home the scale of the problem.

    I suppose in a way this highlights the creature's exceptional situation, since he didn't even have that poor refuge with others like him.

    Interesting connection between the book and the world.

  2. Wow a very shocking and eye-opening post i never knew this was happening. Does this still happen today? If so has the government done anything about this situation or does it support the killings? This really puts into perspective how the Creature could be feeling after it was created by Victor.
